
Faith Charts: Catholicism at a Glance

Book cover: 'Faith charts: Catholicism at a Glance'
Reverend Raymond Cleaveland
This is a really nifty overview of the faith organized into 16 segments over 6 pages: The Transmission of Divine Revelation The Blessed Trinity God the Father God the Son, Jesus Christ God the Holy Spirit Creation and the Fall, Redemption The Holy Catholic Church The Four Marks of the Church The Blessed Virgin and the Saints The Seven Sacraments Grace, Justification and Virtue Catholic Moral Teaching Sin The Commandments The Last Things Each segment gives a brief, but surprisingly complete, overview of Catholic teaching with references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Bible as

Fenestrae Fidei

Sean Fitzpatrick
I am so excited to post a review on this new coloring book! My girls and I spent a great part of the last weekend working on these beautiful pictures to color! Sean Fitzpatrick, the artist, knows very well what gets young artists to want to grab those colored pencils... The illustrations are fairly simple for young hands and yet a more experienced artist can have a lot of fun with it. Hillside Education's site offers the suggestion of brushing th finished pictures with vegetable oil for a stained glass effect, and we did that!

Catholic Cardlinks: Bible

Thomas Craughwell
Thomas Craughwell has a knack for informative yet captivating writing! This is a very nice first Bible for a beginning reader, and of course it could be read aloud as well. Each page has an illustration and a Bible verse in bold, ranging from Genesis to Revelation. I wish the illustrations were a bit more professional, and that the text agreed with the way the "card" pages turn: it is a bit awkward to flip the clunky volume from front to verse on each page. Mr. Craughwell's retelling of the biblical stories, however, makes up for these minor obstacles!
