Cat. Chat: The Catholic Audio Show for Kids Vol. 1

Mary leads Me Closer to Jesus
Book cover: 'Cat. Chat: The Catholic Audio Show for Kids Vol. 1'
Gerald & Denise Montpetit
Cat.Chat Productions Inc
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"Cat. Chat." "Cat. Chat." That is all my children have been singing for the last two days, since they received the two Cat. Chat CDs (short for Catholic chats about God). These CD's combine "faith-filled" stories, lively (contemporary Catholic/Christian) songs and heartfelt prayer, all within the context of family life. These kid-appealing CD's also include the family cat, Moses, who introduces the family, makes comments, and closes each session.

In volume one, the characters include the dad and his two children, Josh and Hannah. The mom has passed away some time ago. As the family cozies up in front of the fire, the dad relates a bedtime story of Mary's life, beginning with her Immaculate Conception and concluding with her Coronation in heaven. As he relates the story of her life, bringing to life her joys and sorrows, the children ask questions and make comments. This along with the catchy songs and clever sound effects keeps the pace moving - holding the attention of young listeners while presenting a realistic picture of family life. The dad also asks his children questions and explains difficult points like Mary's Immaculate Conception to lead them deeper into their faith. Through their conversation with their dad, the children come to learn what it means to imitate Mary and say "yes" to God.

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