Deathbed Conversions

Finding Faith at the Finish Line
Book Cover
Karen Edmisten
Number of pages: 
132 pages
Our Sunday Visitor
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
I thoroughly enjoyed this collection of stories about famous (and at times infamous) people who converted to Catholicism after many years of wrestling with God. The author handles their often tough life stories with gentleness and understanding, and with special attention to God's grace working through friends and family members who stuck with these individuals in good times and in bad. Many of the stories include very messy life situations - including extra-marital affairs and abortions - but, of course have a good ending. For that reason, (besides recommending that you preview it for your children!) I think it's best suited for older teens, and would make a great jumping off point for discussions about how to be "salt of the earth". The list of converts include a king, a gangster, a Nobel Prize winning biologist, a famous mathematician and a number of notable entertainers, actors and writers.
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