History Links - General Studies and Ancient Egypt

Book cover: 'History Links - General Studies and Ancient Egypt'
Jennifer Alles
Barbara Little
Number of pages: 
68 pages
Wooly Lamb Publishing
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
We've only used the General Studies and just begun Ancient Egypt, so I know little. However, I do think they are very creative and very Catholic in their presentation. They recommend a certain kids Protestant Bible for ages 2-8 because of the "high picture-to-text ratio with twelve pictures per double plate spread. The characters are dressed in authentic garb, making it a wonderful companion to the unit studies. There is one reference to Jesus's brothers, but overall it is a fabulous learning resource for younger children and every child loves it!" They then go on to say that older children in the 6-10 year old category and pre-teens/teengagers should be able to use the adult Catholic Bibles, like the NAB, the Douay-Rheims, Jerusalem Bible or the RSV. The other resources they recommend in the "Resources Needed" section are a globe, a world map or atlas, a dictionary, a Catechism of the Catholic Church and a set of Encyclopedias. In the section on "highly recommended but not essential" resources, they also include the St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism, Usborne Book of World History, Usborne Book of the Ancient World, National Geographic Magazines, Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews, Encyclicals, a concordance, the WWW and last but not least, the Institute for Excellence in Writing program.Throughout the program, too, they also highly encourage the use of primary resources, which I think is a good idea. I was really impressed with their General Studies program, mostly for their emphasis on learning first HOW to study the Ancient World (thru. History, Archaeology, Geography and Theology) encouraging students to look methodically at the Ancient World thru. these lenses, rather than thru. a hodgepodge 20th century perspective. They start each section of the General Studies by recommending memorization of various Catholic hymns and prayers, too.
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