

K.B. and husband are third year homeschooling parents of four (soon to be five). "My great dream is to somehow put on an outdoor performance of one of the Greek dramas in original Greek. In the meantime, feebly attempting to give our children a strong, Classically-based, Catholic home education...and enjoy the process." (info as of ~1999)

History Links - General Studies and Ancient Egypt

Book cover: 'History Links - General Studies and Ancient Egypt'
Jennifer Alles
Barbara Little
We've only used the General Studies and just begun Ancient Egypt, so I know little. However, I do think they are very creative and very Catholic in their presentation. They recommend a certain kids Protestant Bible for ages 2-8 because of the "high picture-to-text ratio with twelve pictures per double plate spread. The characters are dressed in authentic garb, making it a wonderful companion to the unit studies.