The Weight of a Mass

A Tale of Faith
Book cover: The Weight of a Mass
Josephine Nobisso
Katalin Szegedi
Number of pages: 
36 pages
Gingerbread House
Sewn Hardcover
Resource Type: 

The best and most memorable lessons are taught through stories, and this gorgeous picture book will teach an unforgettable one. The Weight of a Mass is written in a fairy-tale style and enhanced by rich watercolor illustrations. It will appeal equally well to both boys and girls through countless re-readings.

Said to be based on a true event, the story unfolds as a poor, elderly woman begs for a crust of bread in a bakery. The baker scoffs at her request and demands to know what she will pay. Penniless, the woman offers to hear Mass for the giver of the bread in exchange. To prove that her offer is worthless, the baker writes "One Mass" on a slip of paper and places it on one side of a balance. As more and more delicacies are added to try to balance the scale, the slip of paper demonstrates miraculously that there is nothing on earth of greater value than the Mass.

This book is the perfect gift for a First Communicant, an adult who needs a gentle reminder of the value of their Faith, or anyone who enjoys reading to a child. Our children each have a "treasure chest" of things that they will take with them when they are grown and begin their own homes and families. I am purchasing a copy of this book for each of my children to place in their treasure chests. It deserves all of the awards that it has earned!

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