No name

Elizabeth Hockel

Elizabeth Hockel has been homeschooling for three years. She has a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. Her children's ages are: 7, 5, 4, 2, 8 months, and #6 due next spring. (as of ?1999)

Elizabeth Yank

Photo of Elizabeth
Elizabeth has been homeschooling since 1987, when her oldest son came home after 6 weeks of parochial school. 2010 marks Elizabeth's 22nd year of homeschooling. Married to Raymond for 28 years, they have seven children ages 27, 25, 22, 18, 16, 12, and 9. Presently residing in Wisconsin, they have also lived in Virginia, Tennessee, and various cities in Wisconsin. Elizabeth received a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee in English, with an emphasis in creative writing, which means that she attended lots of poetry classes. Elizabeth has been published in Faith and Family, mater et magistra, National Catholic Register, Canticle, Lay Witness, , and other Catholic and homeschool publications. She has compiled The Resource Guide for Catholic Home Educators--a booklet that lists various Catholic and other homeschool materials-- and edited a reading list of children's books about the American Revolution entitled Whigs and Tories. Over the years, she has used a variety of homeschool materials. Her oldest was enrolled in kindergarten and high school 9th and 10th grade with Seton. He then finished 11th and 12th grade with Mother of Divine Grace School. The children are now enrolled in Mother of Divine Grace School, where Elizabeth is also a consultant. When she began homeschooling, the number of resources available was very limited. Today, the choices can be overwhelming. With the help of this website, she hopes that it will be easier for you to choose the best materials that fit your child's learning style and your teaching style while remaining faithful to the Magisterium of the Church. You can find Elizabeth blogging at, a blog promoting a Catholic culture through reviews and resources.


J.D. has been married 8 years now and has just started homeschooling this year. "We have 3 little girls ages 5 (turning 6 soon),3 (turning 4 soon) and 1 (turning 2 soon). My oldest is only in kindergarten so we haven't been all that strict this year with homeschooling. She is reading very well already and she seems to be a wiz in the math department too! We hope to homeschool through highschool but we'll see about that then! I am planning on creating my own curriculum right now because I seem to be using a lot of new things that people have not heard of yet. I use Laura Berquist and Marva Collins as my guides right now." (as of ~2000)

John Van Hecke

John Van Hecke, Alicia's husband, is a graduate of a college-prep high school with an excellent academic reputation and also received his B.A. in Liberal Arts from Thomas Aquinas College. His parents are involved in Catholic radio and his brother Michael is president of the Catholic Textbook Project. John went on to receive a degree in Electrical Engineering, from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. He works as an electrical engineer, designing touch screen monitors. An important part of his daily routine is prayer time and story time with the children before bed. They have enjoyed reading Greek Myths, the Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, tales of adventure, saint stories and lots of other good reading. John and Alicia have been home-educating their six children (ages 14, 12, 10, 8, 6 and 4) since birth. They reside in Wisconsin.


K.B. and husband are third year homeschooling parents of four (soon to be five). "My great dream is to somehow put on an outdoor performance of one of the Greek dramas in original Greek. In the meantime, feebly attempting to give our children a strong, Classically-based, Catholic home education...and enjoy the process." (info as of ~1999)


K.C. is a homeschooling mom of 2 daughters ages 6 and 7. She is not Catholic although she is Christian and reads lots of Catholic literature. (as of ~2000)


K.H. is a thirteen year old Catholic homeschooler. I like karate, music, and horses. I have three 'annoying' brothers, and a baby sister." [KH has been reviewing books with us for awhile - she is now 14, Summer 2000]


K.M. has five children (13, 11, 9, 6, 3), and has been homeschooling all along. "Increasingly, I am moving towards a 'classic' approach to Catholic homeschooling." (as of ~2000)


K.R. has been homeschooling her 7 1/2 year old son since birth. (as of ~1999)
