Piece = Part = Portion

Fractions = Decimals = Percents
Scott Gifford
Number of pages: 
29 pages
Tricycle Press
Glued Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

There are lots of fraction books for kids out there with photos of every conceivable flavor of... Pizza. This book has the fractions, it has pizza, but thankfully it does not stop there! It provides a progression of various portions to a sliced—but intact—pizza representing the whole (1/1 = 1 = 100%). The connections it makes between the fractional part and its decimal and percentage representations is what makes it different, and useful. My kids have had a difficult time making this connection at home, perhaps because their own homeschool teacher suffers from the same ailment? In any event Piece = Part = Portion, as my husband happily agrees, does this job well.

One page shows one egg in a egg carton: the facing pages says "1/12 of a dozen eggs, .09, 8 %". The next pages shows a girl in a soccer uniform and ten other soccer shirts around her: "1/11 of a soccer team, .09, 9%". Clean, uncluttered pages, nice photos of everyday things, effective results: a good Math aid for your homeschool!

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First reviewed: 
May 01, 2009