The Squire and the Scroll

Jennie Bishop
Number of pages: 
36 pages
Warner Press
Sewn Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
With colorful, dramatic illustrations and a story to inspire children, The Squire and the Scroll is sure to be a favorite. Written as a parable set in an imaginary kingodm, a wicked dragon has stolen the Lantern of Purest Light. This is not just any ordinary light, but a "Lantern that gave freedom to all the kingdom." Who will be brave enough to bring back this precious Lantern? Although many young men try, none return, until one day a poor squire who had been taught by his parents "how to guard his pure heart by the words from a simple scroll" accompanies another daring knight.

As in the journey of Ulysses, they encounter several trials along their quest, in their case, testing the purity of their senses. Will they survive the tests or succumb to the same fate as all the other knights? In the story, children will be challenged on many levels. Will they follow the example of the squire or the knight? Will they obey their parents and listen to the wisdom of God's word or will they succumb to the enticements of the world? Will they guard their purity or squander it? Will they receive as the squire hopes "the promise of a reward from God in return for faithfully guarding his heart?"

Additional notes: 

originally appeared in Heart and Mind Magazine, Summer 2005 - used with permission

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