Study Questions for The Sign of the Green Falcon by Cynthia Harnett

Essay/Discussion Questions:

Originally titled: Ring Out, Bow Bells

We are unable to supply an answer key to these study questions. Original thought is looked for in answering many of these questions for which there is no "one right answer". We hope these questions will assist parents in discussing the book with their children. Those who haven't read the book themselves could still discuss these questions and ideas in a general way with their children, have their children discuss it with others who have read the book, or seek summaries of the book online to better understand it.

1. In Chapter One, Dickon rescues a Fishmonger's apprentice from some bullies. Why was he eager to help this particular boy? How does this event cause him trouble throughout the story?

2. Why do the other apprentices give Dickon the task of removing a head from the gate of the Bridge? Why does he agree to do it?

3. Dickon's godfather, Master Whittington, is an important man in London and sponsors Dickon as an apprentice. How does his guidance prevent more trouble for Dickon?

4. Why was Master Saloman Gross so friendly with Adam?

5. Who is the leader in England at the time of this story? What part does that ruler and his endeavors play in this story? What is remarkable about his return to England at the end of the book?