
Making Music Praying Twice

John and Katherine Daneluk
Cover Art by Shelly Dieterichs
Virginia Kearns, Margaret Kearns, Katherine Daneluk and several talented kids
Making Music Praying Twice is a music and movement program for the young Catholic child. There are a variety of ways the parent can use the program. It can be used with your own children or with other families in a homeschool co-op or a group class for the parish. Because the program is highly adaptable, the age range is quite wide.

God's Love Story

Poor Clare Nuns, NM
Poor Clare Nuns, NM
I am glad to see a reprinting of this marvelous little book. The author listed is the Poor Clare nuns in Roswell, NM, but if I remember correctly it was the wonderful, intelligent and witty Mother Mary Francis, author of the fabulous "The Right to be Merry" who wrote this wonderful story for children. From Genesis to the Ascension and the descent of the Holy Spirit, the book tells the most important story of all in a language that is story-like, children-friendly, and loving.

If Not for the Cat

Book cover: ‘If Not for the Cat'
Jack Prelutsky
Ted Rand
This is what a picture book should be. A perfect pairing of beautiful text and beautiful illustrations. I love haiku and Jack Prelutsky's verses are beautiful examples of the form. I love poems that linger, that take up residence in your heart and resonate long after the book is closed. The title poem has made a nest in my ear and sings to me while I'm doing the dishes:
If not for the cat, And the scarcity of cheese, I could be content.
It has something of the simplicity and weight that I find so pleasing in William Carlos Williams.

My First Number Book

Book cover: 'My First Number Book'
Marie Heinst
This delightful picture book introduces many math concepts to preschoolers. We have enjoyed working through concepts such as counting, matching, sorting, sets, and sequencing. The illustrated pages make it fun for my son to discover more, less, and equal, addition and subtraction, geometric solids, and more. For example, matching begins with familiar matching pairs such as handprints, shoes, and earrings.


Book cover: 'Easter'
Fiona French
A gorgeous presentation of the Easter story! Fiona French tells the story in twelve stained glass tableaux: the entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, the betrayal in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus judged before Pilate, the scourging at the pillar, the carrying of the cross, the crucifixion, taking him from the cross and laying him in the tomb, the resurrection, meeting with doubting Thomas, the loaves and fishes by the Sea of Tiberius, the Ascension into heaven.

The Donkey and the Golden Light

Book cover: ‘The Donkey and the Golden Light’
Gill Speirs
John Speirs
The story follows a donkey, named Bethlehem, who was born on the same night and in the same stable as Jesus and who never forgets that it was a special night, symbolized by the mysterious golden light that shines from the star that guided the Magi. After the Nativity the donkey also accompanies his mother when she carries the Holy Family on their flight to Egypt. When the family returns to Israel, he goes to work in the Temple garden.

Take it to the Queen

Josephine Nobisso
Katalin Szegedi
The long awaited companion to The Weight of a Mass (Nobisso, Gingerbread House Books) is finally available. In her new story Take it to the Queen, a Tale of Hope, Josephine Nobisso tells a fable that draws upon the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her material and mystical participation in our salvation. The villagers of a once favored city rebel against the goodness of the King, bringing famine and desolation. Eventually they seek the intervention of their queen, who was once of their village.

My Advent Calendar

This is a very simple advent calendar with little doors to open each day of Advent. The price is very reasonable, but the quality is suitable for a one-time use (it would be difficult to close the doors a second time around). The illustrations are very simple with some glittery high-lights but my favorite feature is a simple task (though some are very generic) printed on the inside of each door for the child to do to prepare for Christmas.

Who Carved the Mountain?

Jean L. S Patrick
Renee Graef

Our family was delighted to visit Mount Rushmore recently, along with several other Love2Learn families. Since we live in South Dakota, Mount Rushmore books have prominent and permanent displays in our library system's many branches. Who Carved the Mountain saw the inside of our weekly library bag many times and became our favorite Mount Rushmore picture book.
