Elizabeth Yank

The Courage of Sarah Noble

Book cover: 'The Courage of Sarah Noble'
Alice Dalgleish
The Courage of Sarah Noble is based on the true story of eight year old Sarah Noble, who accompanies her father into the Connecticut wilderness to cook meals for him as he builds the family's cabin. The story takes place in 1707 and focuses on her courage against the unknown fears of the wilderness.

The Little Apostle on Crutches

Book cover: Little Apostle on Crutches
H.E. Delamare

The Little Apostle on Crutches by H. E. Delamare is the story of young Willie– almost nine–whose cheerful goodness touches the lives of everyone he meets.

Through his many adventures, he always strives to do what is right, making him an excellent role model for younger children. For example, he faces persecution from another boy who covets his newspaper corner. Yet, he treats the other boy with continual kindness.

The Princess and the Kiss

Book cover: 'The Princess and the Kiss'
Jennie Bishop
"Long ago, in a wonderful castle on a mountain of splendor, a beautiful princess was born." So begins the story of The Princess and the Kiss, a tale of a young woman's - in this case princess's - first kiss. On the day she is born, her parents present her with this special gift from God. In a secret room in a castle tower, it is kept safely hidden away under glass. When she is old enough, her parents explain the treasured value of this precious gift and warn her to not give it to just anybody.

Truth Was Their Star

Book cover: 'Truth Was Their Star'
Sr. Mary Jean Dorcy, O.P.
Recently republished by New Hope Publications, the lay Dominican community in New Hope KY, Truth Was Their Star by Sr. Mary Jean Dorcy, OP offers a gentle introduction to various Dominican saints. Naturally, since she is a Dominican, she would be interested in sharing the lives of several Dominican saints. While not talking down to the child, the text is written as though speaking to a younger child. Each chapter is really an introduction to a particular saint offering a vignette about his or her life, or encapsulating a series of popular stories about the saint.

Grisly Grisell

Charlotte M. Yonge
Grisly Grisell begins with a bang, in fact, an explosion. Unfortunately, the result is more than a loud noise. Set in medieval England, during the War of the Roses (the reigns of Kings Henry V and Henry VI), the children of the castle are curiously investigating a keg when, to their horror, they discover that it contains gunpowder. The devastating result is a seriously wounded little girl, who is brutally scarred for life. How she, as well as others, deals with this devastating disfigurement affects much of the rest of the story.

The Squire and the Scroll

Jennie Bishop
With colorful, dramatic illustrations and a story to inspire children, The Squire and the Scroll is sure to be a favorite. Written as a parable set in an imaginary kingodm, a wicked dragon has stolen the Lantern of Purest Light. This is not just any ordinary light, but a "Lantern that gave freedom to all the kingdom." Who will be brave enough to bring back this precious Lantern? Although many young men try, none return, until one day a poor squire who had been taught by his parents "how to guard his pure heart by the words from a simple scroll" accompanies another daring knight.
