Picture Books


The Art of Problem-Solving
Greg Tang
Number of pages: 
32 pages
Scholastic Press
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

Perusing through the Math titles in Picture Books at the library last week I found lots of books. Alas, most of them were, well, boring. Uninteresting. I brought a handful home to investigate and of those I found a few nice volumes including this one!

I love almost anything that is integrated with Art. (Well, almost anything.) My younger homeschool students are all artistically oriented and if I integrate a subject with Art I get smiles. I am doing just that with History this semester with happy results: I provide a workpage with a theme and examples to be created and colored artistically for each chapter of Seton's The Catholic Faith Comes to the Americas.

This is a simple Math book for young ones: from each famous painting the clever illustrator took one element and displayed it on the facing pages in different sizes, colors, and groups. By grouping the elements in different ways, young Math students have a peek into the world of addition, multiplication and beyond. On the side, they will enjoy a quick tour of the art world in chronological order and some cute rhymed lines as well!

Reviewed by: 
First reviewed: 
May 01, 2009

Mozart, the Wonder Child

A Puppet Show in Three Acts
Diane Stanley
Harper Collins
Resource Type: 

No need to introduce young Mozart or kids biographer extraordinaire Diane Stanley, but this brand new biography has a twist: she wrote the whole book as a marionette play! The pictures look as if his whole life is a show, with characters suspended on strings. Expect the usual detail-rich, high level writing that comes with her wonderful biographies.

Another innovative aspect is the medium she chose for the paintings for this book: the 500-year old method of egg-tempera. On the interior of the back jacket she explains about this medium and directs readers to the Society of Tempera Painters at www.eggtempera.com. For this art teacher, this definitely sparks my curiosity... potential projects abound in my head!

Reviewed by: 
First reviewed: 
August 05, 2009

My Librarian is a Camel

How Books Are Brought to Children Around the World
Margriet Ruurs
Number of pages: 
32 pages
Boyds Mills Press
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

The libraries I grew up with did not even resemble what we have available today... truly. I am not able to go to my weekly visits to the library without being amazed at how fortunate we are. This friendly book will help your children appreciate what some other children in the world go through to be able to borrow a book!

Going beyond that, the book has information and maps on each country discussed and lots of fun photographs!

Reviewed by: 
First reviewed: 
March 12, 2009

Newton and Me

Lynne Mayer
Sherry Rogers
Number of pages: 
32 pages
Sylvan Dell Publishers
Glued Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
With the release of Newton and Me I was hoping to find an elementary science book written as an engaging story but, unfortunately, I was disappointed. The book is about a boy and his dog, Newton, discovering various forces in their daily lives, forces first described by Isaac Newton. The difficulty I have with this book is that the reading and concept levels do not match. I very much promote and encourage introducing science concepts at a young age; however, the basic story and rhyming text, appealing to preschool through first grade, does not introduce any concepts they do not readily realize naturally, and yet this same age group would have a hard time understanding the concepts presented in the "For Creative Minds" section, like friction, or pushing something "twice as hard." The colorful yet simple illustrations are well matched to the text and theme. Some of the concepts presented are things like: a ball rolls easier on a sidewalk than on the grass; when it is thrown into the air always comes down; a toy truck stays stationary on level ground yet rolls on a hill, and others. Many of the activities in the "For Creative Minds" section are cross-curricular relating mostly to language development. Sylvan Dell has long struggled to publish non-nature science story books for elementary-aged children. Based on how few titles from any publisher actually fit that description, it must be a tough genre. I am still holding out hope that they will publish better offerings in this area.
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Kathryn Otoshi
Number of pages: 
32 pages
KO Kids Books
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

Our own Number Seven has read this new picture book aloud to me countless times since I picked it up at the library last week. She loves it! Perhaps it is because the numbers in the story stop at seven... or more likely it is because the book gives the colors personality and emotion, creating interesting twists to a fun story.

Product Description:

Blue is a quiet color. Red’s a hothead who likes to pick on Blue. Yellow, Orange, Green, and Purple don’t like what they see, but what can they do? When no one speaks up, things get out of hand — until One comes along and shows all the colors how to stand up, stand together, and count. As budding young readers learn about numbers, counting, and primary and secondary colors, they also learn about accepting each other's differences and how it sometimes just takes one voice to make everyone count.

A couple of sample pages:

"Blue" page"7" page
Reviewed by: 
First reviewed: 
May 29, 2009

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Book cover: Our Lady of Guadalupe
Carmen T. Bernier-Grand
Tonya Engel
Number of pages: 
32 pages
Two Lions
Glued Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

I never cease to be marveled by the wonder-full story of Guadalupe. This new picture book does a fabulous job of retelling it, with historical accuracy, gentleness, and vibrant illustrations. This lovely book will make a very nice gift to a child, and the child's older siblings and parents will enjoy it as well. 

Although the story of Guadalupe is one of the most well-known Catholic stories, the effects of this historical event are intricately woven in Mexican-American history. I believe this book will be of interest to any reader, independent of denomination, because of its historical ramifications. In the millions who visit the largest Marian shrine in the world in Mexico, there are many who are there for historical and cultural interest. A high quality, beautiful picture book! Highly recommended.

Additional notes: 

The "See Inside" feature on Amazon for this book is very generous and one can see much of the book including the excellent Author's Note at the end.

Reviewed by: 
First reviewed: 
January 14, 2013


Holling Clancy Holling
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
Paddle-to-the-Sea is a one-of-a-kind story about a little carving of an Indian in a canoe that is sent off from North of Lake Superior in Canada for a four-year trek through each of the Great Lakes, through the St. Laurence River and finally into the Atlantic Ocean. Beautifully written and fabulously illustrated, the story takes readers on an in-depth (and rather lengthy!) story of the Great Lakes region told through the "eyes" of an inanimate wooden toy as it encounters all kinds of weather, wild animals, helpful people, a forest fire, and much more. It may sound like a strange premise, but it works, and all of my children have been enchanted with the story, though it may help that, living in the Great Lakes region, a number of the places are quite familiar to us. In addition to colorful illustrations of various locations from the story, the text is often surrounded with smaller maps and technical illustrations of locks and various geographical features of the region. We've found this to work best as a read-aloud as the sheer length tends to be intimidating to the younger set. It's probably a good hour of reading.
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Pamela Walks the Dog

Christine Marlin
Hilda van Stockum
Number of pages: 
24 pages
Bethlehem Books
Sewn Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
This latest title in the Bethlehem Books Lamb Time series is a short but sweet (and very funny) story about a busy little girl going through the very important and imaginative process of getting ready to walk the dog. Any parent with small children will appreciate the humorous truth about how children are that the author so clearly understands, even in such a simple story. This shouldn't surprise fans of the author's grandmother and the book's illustrator, Hilda Van Stockum, whose own books portray a beautiful understanding of small children.

My two reading-age children (ages 6 and 8) so enjoyed the punch line that they fought over who would be the first one to read the story to Daddy. As evidenced from the sticky fingerprints on every page, my younger children (ages 2 and 4) have been poring over the book as well. The story could be easily read by a younger reader who knows most of the phonograms (the story includes a few "challenging" words, such as "thought" and "would").

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Paul Revere's Ride

The Landlord's Tale
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Charlies Santore
Number of pages: 
40 pages
Sewn Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
Longfellow’s famous poem, Paul Revere’s Ride, is beautifully illustrated in this picture book by Charles Santore. Every page captures both the historical setting and the patriotic significance of a pivotal event in the American Revolution. Illustrations are dark-toned and shadowy, just right for the middle-of-the-night setting. The suspense builds with extreme close-ups that spill over the edges, and bird’s-eye views sweeping over the nighttime landscape. The attention to detail in clothing, muskets, powder horns, and ships, appears to be well-researched and faithful to the historical period. The single battle scene with two fallen soldiers hints at the terrible losses of war, but there is no depiction of bloodshed or injury. The title of this book comes from Mr. Santore’s research. He discovered that Paul Revere’s Ride was just one of several Longfellow poems in a collection called Tales of the Wayside Inn. As Longfellow has it, the landlord of the inn tells the epic poem -- “Listen my children and you shall hear” -- to inn guests gathered around the fireside. This and more is explained by Mr. Santore in an “Artist’s Note” on the last page. It’s a fascinating glimpse into the historical research that's needed to create outstanding illustrations such as these.
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Pele, King of Soccer / Pele, El rey del Futbol

Book cover: Pele King of Soccer
Monica Brown
Rudy Gutierrez
Number of pages: 
40 pages
Harper Collins
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

This week I want to post about one of my country's heroes... Pele, King of Soccer.

Warm illustrations full of movement tell the story of the world's genius of soccer from his humble beginnings to his post professional carer as an ambassador for the world's most popular and well-loved sport.

I am naturally skeptical when picking up a book that has to do with my own origins: this colorful and friendly volume surpassed my expectations and took me back to my country inside its originally illustrated pages! A great choice for when you are doing an elementary school level unit study on Brazil and needing a picture book.

The book is bilingual and while I wish it were in Portuguese, Brazil's language, it will serve Spanish students well.

Reviewed by: 
First reviewed: 
April 02, 2009
