Apologetics General Resource

Envoy Magazine

Book cover: 'Envoy Magazine'
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

Website: http://www.envoymagazine.com
A beautiful full-color glossy magazine on Catholic apologetics. The magazine is trendy in format (meant to appeal to teens and "Generation Xers") but orthodox in content. Although we don't subscribe to this magazine, I've seen a few issues and have been very impressed. Some articles I read included sample scenarios of how to explain Catholic teachings in particular situations. I thought this was a very helpful way of preparing people for apologetics. This magazine also includes Scott Hahn's newsletter Scripture Matters.

Update by webmaster, March 2024: Envoy Magazine has been out of production for several years now. Some of Pat's articles from the magazine can be found at his blog: https://patrickmadrid.com/articles/ 

For a Catholic apologetics magazine that is still available, check out our review of Catholic Answers Magazine.

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Faith Charts: Catholicism at a Glance

Book cover: 'Faith charts: Catholicism at a Glance'
Reverend Raymond Cleaveland
Number of pages: 
6 pages
Our Sunday Visitor
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
This is a really nifty overview of the faith organized into 16 segments over 6 pages: The Transmission of Divine Revelation The Blessed Trinity God the Father God the Son, Jesus Christ God the Holy Spirit Creation and the Fall, Redemption The Holy Catholic Church The Four Marks of the Church The Blessed Virgin and the Saints The Seven Sacraments Grace, Justification and Virtue Catholic Moral Teaching Sin The Commandments The Last Things Each segment gives a brief, but surprisingly complete, overview of Catholic teaching with references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Bible as well as details on when and where major dogmas of the Church were defined. This seems like a great overview for parents and teachers wishing to get a better handle on Church teaching or for high school students in the midst of Catechism and Apologetics studies. Handy for general reference as well. Here's a small sample, a segment from The Commandments section which explains the 5th Commandment:
5. You shall not kill (CCC 2318-30) - Commands us to respect the lives of others and our own, honoring our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. - Prohibits murder, abortion, suicide, euthanasia, sterilization, mutilations and non-therapeutic amputations, kidnapping, gluttony, drug use, drunkenness, seeking revenge, anger, hatred, and illegitimate war.
Nicely illustrated with images of stained glass windows.
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Friendly Defenders

Book cover: 'Friendly Defenders'
Matt Pinto
Katherine Andes
Number of pages: 
50 pages
Ascension Press
Resource Type: 

Each packet of Friendly Defenders Catholic Flash Cards includes 50 cards covering 12 categories: Tradition, Church, Papacy, Eucharist/Mass, Salvation, Purgatory, Baptism, Mary, Saints, Confession, Statues & Holy Objects, and Holy Orders. The purpose of the cards is to assist children, ages 8 and up, and teenagers to be able to defend their faith with clear and easy explanations against the typical questions about the Catholic faith.

On the front of each card is a number and color code, category and topic, a boy or girl (with a memorable name such as Curious Connie) who offers a challenging a question or statement to Catholics. On the back of each card is another boy or girl (with a name such as Joyful Joey) giving a solid Catholic response. There is also a Bible verse and additional comments at the bottom of the card to explain the answer. Also included are Bible references with related Bible verses. For example, in the Category of "Purgatory" and the topic of "Purpose of . . .", Questioning Quincy states, "Purgatory is not necessary. You're either saved or not saved." Gracious Grace gives the reply on the back. "Purgatory is only for the saved. It's a place or state where those who died in God's friendship are made perfect so they can enter heaven of which St. John writes. . . 'Nothing unclean will enter it' (Rev. 21:27).

These cards are unique in that they are not just basic catechism questions, but questions that non-Catholics often have about the Catholic faith and these cards supply young people the tools to effectively reply to those misconceptions. Colorful and contemporary, Friendly Defenders Catholic Flash Cards offer kids a fun way to learn to defend the faith.

Additional notes: 
50 full color glossy cards
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