Motivational Reading

A Grace Given

Kent Gilges
On January 21, my children and I were visiting my mother for her birthday when a dreadful thing happened. Just as my eight-year-old daughter was leaning over to give her a kiss, Mom began to have a violent seizure. The staff of the rehabilitation center where she was already fighting back from a stroke ushered us out of the room, rushing her immediately to Good Samaritan Hospital. The very next day, January 22, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, A Grace Given by Kent Gilges arrived in my mailbox.

The Catholic Book of Character and Success

Book cover: The Catholic Book of Character and Success
Edward Garesché, S.J.

Formerly titled How to Live Nobly and Well, this reprint of an older Catholic book helps young people focus on those things which bring happiness in this life and in the next. Each chapter focuses on virtues and character traits which encourage harmonious living and union with God or act in opposition to the live of Christ. The reader is brought to an understanding of how to control their imagination and actions by focusing on a higher good. The book instructs them as to how and when to accept criticism and what constitutes prudent behavior.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Book cover: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Sean Covey

We sometimes think of teenagers as immature, selfish and lacking in objectivity. Sean Covey believes they can learn to be otherwise. Using humorous story lines and a heavy sprinkling of anecdotes Covey has set forth a series of steps leading teens toward a more mature and compassionate view of life. While this is a secular book, it is written from a Christian perspective and "the Golden Rule" underlies most of the content.