Catholic Homeschool E-Groups

E-mail lists (also known as listservs or e-groups) allow groups of people to discuss particular topics via e-mail. A moderator determines who belongs to the list and has some control over message content. Each member will receive copies of everyone's messages sent to their e-mail address. You may not want to sign up for more than one list at a time as the quantity of mail can sometimes be overwhelming. For information about starting our own e-mail list, visit the website.

I also include a few e-groups that use social media sites rather than email to communicate.

I have no control over content or moderation of any of these lists or e-groups. To the best of my knowledge, each is run by a Catholic homeschooler or Catholic homeschool support group.


National / Worldwide Catholic Homeschool Support E-Groups

CathSwap. List for buying and selling used curricula and other items related to Catholic homeschooling.

College4CatholicHomeSchoolers (C4CHS) Homeschooling high schoolers and handling college admissions.

Thrifty Catholic Homeschooler. Public FB page. The goal is to support homeschooling families who are living on a limited income. Tips, ideas, and support. Its associated private FB group is for members "to share free & discounted homeschool materials as well as thrifty homemaking tips with one another. This group grew out of the page."

Unschooling Catholics "We are a welcoming and supportive discussion list of Catholic families sharing how unschooling works in different families in different ways. Our goal is to share information, ideas, thoughts and experiences and be a place for resources, inquiry, discussion and support, with charity at the forefront. Some families may be 'pure unschoolers' while others are dipping in and we respect all members as they find what is best for their families and the education and growth of their children. Some primary influences for Catholic Unschooling are Pope JPII, St. John Bosco."

Catholic Homeschool Community "This community is for you, the homeschool parent. A place to thrive. while educating at home and balancing a beautiful home life! A place to connect with others, to learn, to share, and to encourage each other on this adventure of discovery, for ourselves, and our children."


Local Catholic Homeschool Support E-groups

Remodeling in progress ....


Catholic Homeschoolers of Modesto (FB group)

Catholic Homeschoolers of the Greater Sacramento Area (FB group)

Holy Family Homeschoolers (San Jose area)

Holy Innocents Catholic Homeschoolers (Southern California)

Inland Empire Catholic Homeschoolers (IECH)

Long Beach Catholic Homeschool Group

North Orange County Catholic Home Educators (NOCCHE)


Other Catholic E-groups of Interest

Pope St. Nicholas V. As featured in This Rock. Moderator Ana Braga-Henebry is the only one to post to this page. The goal is to get great Catholic books into public libraries.


Other E-mail Lists of Interest

Moms Who Blog